giovedì 30 agosto 2012

Liteon 1175, Team Matrix al lavoro?

E' spuntato sulla rete un video del Team Matrix nel quale un 1175 fa girare 2 backup senza iXtreme...
Il tutto è ovviamente da confermare...

First LiteOn 1175 Playing Backups! No iXtreme needed! Leaked POC internal video of MATRIX TEAM!

As a first official announcement after the video showing our proprietary CFW running back-ups on the 1175 drive leaked, we have the following to say:

1) The aforementioned video is a POC (Proof of Concept), which should not be disclosed to the general public. This video is REAL.
2) Our CFW will be “stealth” on Live, and has all the features of Ixtreme (probably more).

Since the video has been leaked, we might consider it “official” now. We are going to make another one, more detailed, in order to clear up any doubts. Stay tuned!


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